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  Retinal disease is a vision issue caused by multiple pathogenesis.  Retina is the layer of light-sensitive nerve cells in the back of the eyeball. It is as thin as the cicada's wings.  It consists of conjunctiva nerve and the outermost layer, which is the sclera.  It closely attaches to the macular layer, through which the choroid ciliary supply oxygen and nutrients to the cones and rods. When the light enters the eyes and reaches the cones and rods ,  chemical reaction takes place and the biocircuit is created. The light, then, is transmitted to the cerebral nerve through the optic nerve. Consequently, the outside world can be seen.  When the high molecules of cyrstalline lens emancipate and release a watery substance, liquidization occurs.  The liquidified aqueous humor is apt to flow easier due to the lost of original elasticity and viscosity.  The denaturalized substance, which is left in the vestige layer, floats within the crystalline lens.  The patient, who feels insect-like objects flying before his eyes, suffers the "conjunctivitis".

  Retinal disease commonly refers to retinal central artery occlusion, vein occlusion, choroiditis, retinal macula edema and macula degeneration.  While eye diseases are partially pathological changes due to external trauma, it is also due to disorders of energy channels,  respiratory and circulation.  For example, contemporary medicine believes the slow down of blood circulation or thickening of blood viscosity is the cause of conjunctivitis.  The formation of thrombosis leads to the above causes, which creates arteriosclerosis and other bodily diseases, like diabetes and angioma, which enhances the excessive subcutaneous cells grow of the vein and the thickening of inner membrane. During the early stage, stanch bleeding laser is used to perform the soldering.  In the later stage, although vascular expansion medication is applied, it is not only effectiveless, a great deal of side-effect even takes place.  The soldered area is left with permanent damage.  Staying too long with the computer or watching the television too long may cause visual fatigue or decline of vision. If early prevention measure is not taken, due to insufficient nutrients the retinal optic nerve receives, visual obstruction will occur, sooner or later. 

  Chinese medical theory believes most causes of the disease are the pile up of phlegm and stasis of the damp and hot, which lead to the rise of turbid air and venous stasis.  Internal heat hurts the vessels or external bleeding due to injury;  exhaustion of liver and kidney or weakening of circulations leads to the shortage of nutrients and blood supply to the eyes. Successful treatment, which is based on removing blood stasis and promoting blood circulation as its general principle, is a combination of detumescence.  It is helpful to revitalize the blood circulation and to enhance the absorption of oozed out substance.  As a result, the effectiveness of brightening the eyes is reached.The Chinese ophthalmology monograph "Shenshiyao Han" (Opthalmology) points out, "Smoothing blood circulation is the key principle of treating the eyes."  Mass clinical
experiments have proved invigorating blood circulation and removing hematoma can expand the blood vessels and increase blood flow rate. They improve capillary cycle and metabolism, increase tissue nutrients, soften vasculars, heighten resistance of infection.  Platelets agglutination, which is the result of shortness of breath and weakened physical, can be inhibited and thrombosis can be prevented.' Optic-Clear ', which is a product of Young America Inc., is a strong medicinal for blood invigoration and hematoma dissolvent.  It has the power to supplement the breath and to strengthen the spleen. Hence, it gets twice the results as a whole with only half the effort.  Considering the rise of dampness, which is caused by weakened spleen, relation of lungs, spleen and kidney is specifically adjusted.  Aid is given to vital energy; breath and blood freshened; cause of disease rooted out and foundation consolidated.  Spleen is invigorated, lungs moistened, urethra cleared, blood purified and filth removed.  It guaranties the blood circulation unobstructed and nutrients supply adequate, so that the purpose of improving both the symptom and the cause of the patient is reached. The success of manufacturing optic nerve nutrients, which leads to vision restoration, fills the blank space of  optic nerve nutrients domain.  Through the readjustment of blood circulation, the needed nutrients of
retina is miraculously transported to the choroid ciliary.  Henceforth, deteriorating vision and series of visual degeneration symptoms are improved.

  With the course of clinical treatment, objective basis of discrimination and verification are
based upon symptoms like those of bloodshot fundus oculi and papilla, edema, varix or slight bleeding, turbid and dropsy retina, and macula edema. After the patient has taken one to two treatment courses of  'Optic-Clear', improvement of the above symptoms can be achieved to a certain degree. Some of the patients regain normality entirely after a short period of such practice.  Thus, its clinical effect is very obvious. 

Suitable For : Retinal nerve center varix, choroiditis, conjunctivitis, blurry vision, vision fatigue, hypermetropia and myopia.        

Tel: 626-281-2258
Phone: 626-284-7498
Address: 3939 Atlantic Ave. #113
Long Beach,CA 90807,USA