


The primary bronchogenic pulmonary carcinoma refers to the cancerous tumor of the Primary bronchial mucosa and pulmonary alveoli.  It is a commonly seen malignant tumor.

The commonly seen symptoms of pulmonary cancer are cough, chest pain, cough plate, fever and short breath, of which cough and bloody sputum are often found in early stage symptom.  The type of cough is paroxysmal irrigative cough which has no sputum or small amount of sputum corundum.  If persistent Magalia emerges in the course of disease, it often points out there are metastasis of the pleura or the thoracic wall.  Symptoms of chest distress and short breath indicate that the cancerous tumor is blocking up or oppressing the larger bronchus.  Appearance of short breath may also be caused by extensive and massive hydrothorax of pathologic change.  The commonly seen symptoms of the whole body are fever, weary, fatigue, emaciated, anemia, poor appetite, and etc.  In the course of disease, colostomies, edema of the head, face and upper limbs, swelling of supraclavicular lymph nodes emerge because of timorous oppression or invasion of the neighboring tissues.  In the later stage, cerebral metastasis, hepatic metastasis and ontological metastasis may surface, leading to the corresponding clinical manifestation.

Modern medical science cannot determine the actual cause of the disease.  According to the epidemiological data, it shows that the occurrence of the disease is related to smoking, air pollution, certain occupational agents, like those of asbestos, arsenic, chromium, asphalt and some radioactive substance.  Chronic pulmonary disease, genetic factor, immunocompetence incomplete and malfunction of endocrine may give rise to complex effect.

  Contemporary medical science mainly employs surgery, radioactive and chemotherapy methods to treat the illness.  Nevertheless, about 80% pulmonary cancer patients, at the time of definite diagnosis, have already lost the condition for operation.  Radioactive treatment is relatively more sensitive to the microcrystal cancer but less sensitive to the squalors carcinoma and Aden carcinoma.  The curative effect is not distinguished.  Chemotherapy is suitable for patients, who have no hope to receive excision or surgery, in the accessory treatment.  Howbeit, the treatment can only achieve a short-term mitigation and cannot prolong the length of survival.
The survival rate of five years is very low.

  Chinese medical theory believes that the disease belongs to the category of 'pulmonary indigestion.  It is believed that the primary cause is due to the asthenia damage of vital energy and the imbalance of the negative and the positive. The lungs are graceful organ that loves the moist but dislike the hot and dry.  Majority patients with the pulmonary carcinoma have injured organs in pathologic change.  The unhealthy influences of frigidity, heat, moisture, rain, pollution, and sensual invade when the body is off guard.  They stagnate in the lungs, causing the maladjustment of pulmonary function.  The obstruction of pulmonary air leads to lost control
of regularity and malfunction of breathing mechanism.  Thus, the blood flow is blocked, the transport and distribution of body fluid hindered.  The coagulation of body fluid transforms into sputum.  When the sputum coagulates and the air holds up, the veins become silt-up.  As a result, the cementation of waste sputum and toxic stasis forms a lump.  Therefore, pulmonary cancer is a disease of deficiency of whole body but substantial of the partial body . The deficiency of pulmonary cancer is mostly seen as both organic and air deficiency.  Actually, it is the pathologic change of air stagnation, blood stasis, sputum coagulation and toxin accumulation.

  PNEUMOLIFE is a prescription, by means of patent protected technology, extracted out of natural herbs.  It has the effect of nourishing the deficiency, moistening the lungs, invigorating the air, culturing the organic, clearing up the heat, dissolving the toxin, eliminating the silt-up and breaking up the cementation. < Yi-Zong-Bi-Tan> (The Medicine Master Must Talk) predicates, "The completion of coagulation leads to the deficiency of healthy gas and letting in the unhealthy to occupy."  The deficiency of healthy gas leads to the integration of heat toxin and stagnated sputum. They build up in the lungs.  The weaken and damaged healthy air is the intrinsic cause of the occurrence of pulmonary cancer, especially in the later stage, the weakening and hurting of healthy air is more obvious.  Therefore, the principal of the treatment is to straighten the healthy; dispelling the unhealthy is supplementary. Since the lungs are tender and lovely, they are neither cold nor hot resistant.  Once the unhealthy heat deposits in the lungs, the air is easily   
defiled and the organ injured.  Thus, patients with pulmonary cancer are mostly seen as deficiency of both organ and air.  PNEUMOLIFE cleans up the air and relieves the thorax.  It deals with both the root and the symptom.  It causes the elimination of heat toxin, the breaking up of accumulated sputum, the restoration of body fluid.  Consequently, the cancerous tumor can be controlled.  Moreover, pharmacology proves that medication of nurturing the internals is able to heighten the organic immunity competence and to gain the effect of resisting cancer and detumescence.

  Experimental study shows that after PNEUMOLIFE is taken, the NK hypoactive, the phagocyte rate of phagocyte, the E rosette forming rate, and the cellular immune function of CAMP equally heightens.  It has the obverse and positive help to the patient's recovery from pulmonary cancer.

Indication: pulmonary abscess, pulmonary edema, pulmonary carcinoma.   Administration: 3 times daily, 3 capsules each time.   

电话: 626-281-2258
Phone: 626-284-7498
地址: 3939 Atlantic Ave. #113
Long Beach,CA 90807,USA